Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hidden Anime Gems-Tattoon Master

No that is not a typo the anime is called Tattoon Master and is a virtually unknown OVA anime. How did I discover this anime. Well I had won a school contest and received a target gift card and went online as soon as that card hit my hand. I wanted a couple of movies but I didn't know which ones. In the end I discovered this by accident and bought it along with Sly Stallone's Demolition Man, but I digress.
Tattoon Master is a two episode "series" about Hibio, a high school kid who has a dislike for anything female. He lives with his failed author of a Father, and his mother is an explorer who has basically abandoned them and gone off to see the world. She discovers the people of the Tattoon Tribe and wishes to study them, however in return the leader, Nima, sees a picture of Hibio and wishes to marry him. When they meet things are less than friendly, of course. In both episodes, there are elements of humor, love, and even old grudges to be settled.

The art style resembles Yu Yu Hakusho. It is pretty and gives the anime it's own quirky theme. The music is pretty and composed well, except there is not beginning theme song. The only theme song is Lovely and Lonely and is a light bouncy song. The only problem I have with this anime is the terrible English dub which reminds me of how the American versions of 80's anime like Voltron were dubbed. Despite all this, Tattoon Master is a nice anime that can be added to any collection and has a little bit of everything going for it. If you want to brag to your friends about watching relatively unknown anime, Tattoon Master is one you should watch.
"How Dare You Dub Me Wrong America"

Hulk Hogan Is A Monster In A JRPG

Ever heard of Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3. It is an RPG game from Atlus and it juggles both high school life and dungeon crawling to create a new sense of gameplay. Another important aspect of this game is shooting yourself in the head with a psychic gun to summon creatures known as Persona to attack the shadow creatures and kill them. Don't believe me, then just watch this game review from the classic G4 TV show X-Play.

Pretty crazy and cool at the same time. Now besides the gameplay there are tons of weird shadow creatures including giant tables with floating dishware.
Besides all the crazy monsters you can fight there is one called a Gigas. Now look closely at the picture, doesn't it resemble someone really famous.
It may be a little hard to see but that monster carries the likeness of the Immortal Hulk Hogan. Back at the height of his career Hogan was pretty popular in Japan as well as everywhere else. It seems they never completely forgot about him. This creature even acts like Hulk Hogan himself. When they attack you, they literally clothesline your character, and when they cast buffs on themselves they do the ever-famous "No" point. So what are going to do brother, when my Persona comes for you Hulk Hogan.

What Is The Otakiller

Who am I? I am the Otakiller. But then again what is Otakiller mean? Ota; which is the first part of the word Otaku and Killer which is a word meaning one who ends life. As the Otakiller I will be bringing my own spin to the anime genre. I am an Otaku (for those who don't know it means "really big anime nerd" and is the anime equivalent to a Trekkie.

What can you expect to see in my Lair. Rants, reviews, and anything and everything that I can think of to pull out of my mind or the internet and place here for anyone's enjoyment. I am the Otakiller and my word is law.